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Monday, August 24, 2020
Interpretation of Anger by Linda Pastan free essay sample
An Interpretation of Anger by Linda Pastan Many artists contrast creatures with sentiments or articles (regardless of whether unmistakable or impalpable), in light of the fact that it is simple for an individual to understand what a writer is really feeling through ordinary correlations with creatures (I. e a lion represents pride or fearlessness). For instance: In the sonnet â€Å"A Noiseless Patient Spider†by creator Walt Whitman, he looks at his spirit to the creepy crawly, â€Å"ceaselessly pondering, wandering, tossing, looking for the/circles that interface them †. Linda Pastan utilizes this creature to-feeling illustration in her sonnet â€Å"Anger†by contrasting her annoyance with a typical family unit pet, a canine. Numerous pictures strike a chord when I read this sonnet on an exacting level. A great deal of them are in reality more close to home than not. I have experienced numerous treatment meetings all through my adolescence and afterward more all through my young years, having a suppressed (or as Pastan says â€Å"caged up†) outrage within me continually, attempting to figure out how to at long last discharge it without harming others or myself. We will compose a custom exposition test on Understanding of Anger by Linda Pastan or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page So as it were, this sonnet â€Å"hits it home†with me. My first idea was that she was really conversing with herself, such as having a battle as far as she could tell about either allowing her indignation to anger or keeping it in. I at that point thought since the primary lines of the genuine sonnet are â€Å"You let me know/That its okay †it seems as though she is conversing with a subsequent individual, really having a discussion, or contention, with them. Anyway in the wake of perusing it through a couple of more occasions, I started to imagine that it was both of these, both an inside and outside battle going. All through the entire sonnet, she clarifies this entire terrible, abhorrent, hostile thing that she is by all accounts disappointed to clutch it. I accept that the genuine contention arrives at its peak when she affronts the second individual saying,†Ah, you think you know so much/you whose outrage is a pet pooch/its canines dull with neglect. †, and it arrives at its end when she at long last chooses, albeit disappointed with it, to simply hold it in. She experiences the remainder of the sonnet utilizing both the first and the second individual pronouns, referencing both herself and the other individual in the sonnet. She really looks at herself to the next individual, by saying that they are the two contrary energies. I read this sonnet over from multiple points of view. Ive needed to examine it seriously to really see even a more profound importance to it, instead of the strict significance to it. This sonnet, I accept, can identify with us all as individuals. We as a whole have sentiments of outrage at some point or another, and simultaneously we as a whole discussion with ourselves, just as others, to allow it to out or not. I know actually I have battled with this multiple occasions. Like Linda Pastan I have looked at my outrage, however all annoyance all in all, to a creature. I think about holding so much indignation that it appears to be a â€Å"rabid thing†. I accept in addition to the fact that she is frightened to â€Å"let it out†not just on the grounds that she may hurt another person, however herself also. Its truly clear that she holds a hesitance towards the other individual, yet she likewise doesn't hold herself as an extremely resilient individual, since she doesnt imagine that she can really â€Å"tame†her own outrage. The focal analogy in the sonnet is an exceptionally evident one, she is contrasting resentment with a canine. I accept she does this, in light of the fact that in a people mind a creature, for example, a pooch, thinks about to various sentiments. A pooch is an excellent creature to contrast and outrage, since, similar to outrage, it tends to be either agreeable or wild, contingent upon how you â€Å"train†it as well as how an individual is normally. She says,†But mine is a frenzied thing, honing its teeth/on my very bones. †This leaves an extremely solid inclination in the psyches of perusers. Clearly her annoyance isn't controllable and that reality that she says that it hones its teeth on her bones, shows that its additionally eroding at her. Then again she has this to state about the other person,†you whose outrage is a pet pooch/its canines dull with neglect. This is additionally a solid line, since it says a great deal regarding how she feels about them, yet shows how the individual is also. All through the entire sonnet she utilizes a great deal of extremely solid jargon, developing the focal representation. Lines 4 and 5 of the poem,†however it might hook somebody,/even nibble. †, line 8 to line 10,†But free it might/turn on me, batter/my face, draw blood. †, and lines 14 and 15,†But mine is a crazy thing, honing its teeth/on my very bones. †shows how she feels about her own resentment, and I trust it is both detest and dread simultaneously. Line 11 to line 13,†Ah, you think you know so a lot,/you whose outrage is a pet pooch,/its canines dull with neglect. †shows a greater amount of her character, her mockery. It likewise shows that she holds some displeasure towards the subsequent individual. The sonnet Anger by Linda Pastan holds a lot of truth about a people character, not simply her own. The way that she references the two sides of outrage, both gentle and outrageous, shows that she realizes that the two sides exist, similarly as various individuals exist with numerous kinds of outrage. Numerous individuals, including me, can peruse this sonnet and identify with it similarly as I have.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
An Inspector Calls - Differences And Comparisons O Essays - Theatre
An Inspector Calls - Differences And Comparisons O Essays - Theater An Inspector Calls - Differences And Comparisons Of Arthur B. What's more, Sheila B. An Inspector Calls by JB Priestly Contrasts and Comparisons between Mr B. what's more, Sheila Arthur Burling is the principle man in the Burling family, and appears to control it, for example whatever he says - goes! The play is set in a nonexistent town called Brumley, some place in the North of England. Mr. Burling has a childish demeanor towards life, and furthermore an disposition to just think about himself and family, and fundamentally disregard every other person, truth be told, this is actually what he tells a discourse on at the festival of Sheilas and Geralds commitment, ... a man needs to care for himself - and his family as well, of course... which gives the impression of the childishness, and furthermore voracity. Another case of this is the point at which he tells a discourse about how it is the greatest day of his life, Gerald, Im going to let you know to be honest, with no falsifications, that your commitment with Sheila implies a great deal to me. Shell satisfy you, and Im sure youll make her glad. Your simply the sort of child in-law I needed... makes individuals think whether he needs them to get hitched for themselves, or for him, and whether it implies a great deal to him wistfully, or a ton to him in the business world. Burlings main goal is to bring in cash, Its my obligation to keep work cost down what's more, is likewise an opportunist, and Sheila is locked in to the child of his inviting opponent, which is the reason it could mean a great deal to him in the business world on the grounds that Geralds father is in a higher class than the Burling family. We can see that he is a man that attempts to make everything better by utilizing his cash, Look overseer, Id give thousands.... I figure this might be an overbearing mentality, since he needs to overwhelm individuals, and do everything he can to do it, which ponders how he treats his workers. In his manufacturing plant, there is sure representatives which request a compensation rise, however Burling won't pay more than the going rate. Burling can bear the cost of the compensation rise, yet returns by sacking one part of the strike pack, Eva/Daisy Smith. After this, Burling was accused for beginning the domino impact of Eva/Daisys self destruction, however will not acknowledge the fault. Appearance has a major influence of Burling also. How he looks is imperative to him without a doubt in the regard that he continuously needs to look elegant and consistently dresses neatly and shrewd. I figure he does this not on the grounds that he generally need to be spotless and brilliant, however to keep a decent notoriety with other high class individuals, and not to make them imagine that he is any lower than themselves. At the point when the monitor poses inquiries to/about his family, he attempts to secure his notoriety by acting the guiltless to the inquiries, despite the fact that we know, that he knows the responses to the inquiries, yet wont tell them, to secure his notoriety (hard to explain!!). Burling can't see the outcomes of neither his, nor his familys activities. We know this in light of the fact that Burling makes remarks which appear to be ludicrous to us now, during the 90s and the year 2000. Things like the Titanic being resilient and that European nor World war could never occur. Concurring to Burling, war will never happen in light of the fact that in his eyes, it would influence business, however Burling doesn't stop to believe that individuals may think more about things other than business, which is the reason he can't see the outcomes of his own activities and is additionally another case of the childishness inside him. Burling abhors taking. When Eric (Burlings child) takes 50 from Burliness office, he thinks about just that he took from him, and the sum he took (in light of the fact that 50 was a lot of cash in 1912), and Burling wasnt truly concerned why Eric took the cash. Burling then shouts, You dammed fool - why didnt you come to me when you ended up in this chaos?. Erics answer demonstrates that Mr. Burling was never near his child, Since youre not the sort of chap a man could go to at the point when hes in a difficult situation. Such a reaction demonstrates, that things arent going to improve a lot after the play closes, and furthermore demonstrates that there might be a terrible family relationship. Sheila is Mr. Burling and Mrs. Burlings little girl, and is connected with to Gerald, Burlings rival. Sheila has a completely distinctive mentality to Burling, and we see this underlined as the play advances. She is content with life at the start of the play, youthful, and
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Coping With Drug Withdrawal Diarrhea and Stomach Pain
Coping With Drug Withdrawal Diarrhea and Stomach Pain Addiction Coping and Recovery Overcoming Addiction Print Coping With Drug Withdrawal Diarrhea, Stomach Pain, and Vomiting Withdrawal Symptoms and Other Treatments By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on June 07, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 20, 2020 Michael Heim / EyeEm / Getty Images More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Overcoming Addiction Methods and Support Personal Stories Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Diarrhea isnt something many people feel comfortable talking about, but the distress caused by severe diarrhea can be a major factor impacting the decision to quit drugs for many drug users. Diarrhea and stomach pain from diarrhea can be withdrawal symptoms among people who have been addicted to some drugs, particularly opiates, or even after a period of intense substance use.?? Symptoms may range from mild to severe. Tips for Easing Diarrhea and Stomach Pain From Withdrawal The following strategies can help control diarrhea, gastrointestinal spasms, stomach pain, and vomiting: One of the main risks with diarrhea is dehydration, so sip plenty of water.??Fluid loss is not the only problem with dehydration. You also risk the loss of electrolytes, particularly if you are also vomiting a lot.?? Drinking rehydration fluid, available from drug stores, can help avoid this.Yogurt with live/active cultures contains bacteria that, in some cases, can help reduce the severity and length of time diarrhea lasts.Avoid hot drinks, acidic fruits and spicy foods, which can induce spasms leading to diarrhea and related stomach pain.Bland foods, such as white toast, white rice, and bananas may help. If you are also suffering from withdrawal nausea and vomiting, you may prefer to avoid food intake until the initial acute withdrawal phase has passed.Over-the-counter medications, such as Kaopectate, Pepto-Bismol (bismuth) or Imodium (loperamide) may help control diarrhea and slow down the bowel process.?? Causes When drugs or alcohol are used constantly, the brain has to adjust to changes in the functioning of neurotransmitters, the chemicals in the brain that affect the nervous system. When these substances are stopped, it forces the brain and body to have to change again, creating unpleasant physical and mental withdrawal symptoms. Diarrhea, stomach pain, and vomiting are often experienced by people going through withdrawal from opioids and other drugs. Although this can be a normal reaction by the body, the severity and discomfort you experience can be reduced by correct treatment. Therefore, it is a good idea to talk to your pharmacist or doctor for advice on over-the-counter medications. However, it is important to be aware that there are other causes of diarrhea and to get the correct diagnosis and treatment. For example, a range of viral and bacterial infections can cause diarrhea, and may be a result of ingesting contaminated food, water, or drugs, or by some sexual activities.?? Diarrhea can also be a side effect of some drugs. Treating Dehydration Dehydration happens when your body loses too much fluid and electrolytes through urination, sweating, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. However, drinking only water, particularly in large quantities, can be harmful and can lead to water intoxication, which can be life-threatening.?? For this reason, if you have been suffering from severe diarrhea, you should drink rehydration fluid (available from drug stores) rather than plain water to replace lost fluids. Make your own rehydration fluid inexpensively by adding 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt to 2 quarts (2 liters) of water. Fruit juice can also help replace lost electrolytes but can exacerbate diarrhea.?? Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for advice on the right way to replace lost fluids. When to See the Doctor If your diarrhea, stomach pain, or vomiting are severe or last for a long time, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.?? Although they can be considered nuisance withdrawal symptoms by some drug users, they can be troubling enough to derail attempts at quitting, leading to an increased risk of overdose. They can be an indication of an underlying, treatable infection, and they can lead to life-threatening dehydration. In an emergency, you can go to an emergency room where an IV drip can be used to quickly replace fluids and electrolytes. Other Treatments for Withdrawal Symptoms Withdrawal from substances can be done at home or in a healthcare setting. Quitting substance use is often easier under medical supervision because medications can be used to make the transition easier and less uncomfortable. Different treatments are available for different substances. Opiates: Treatment may include the use of clonidine, which helps anxiety, sweating, irritability, muscle cramping and aching and runny nose, and/or buprenorphine or methadone, both of which can decrease the amount of time it takes to detoxify and also help withdrawal symptoms. Gabapentin can help with a number of symptoms, including diarrhea.?? Antispasmodics like Bentyl may also help ease gastrointestinal symptoms.Alcohol: If alcohol withdrawal symptoms are moderate to severe, you may need to be in a supervised clinical setting.?? Whether you seek treatment as an inpatient or outpatient, you may be given sedatives to help make the transition to complete withdrawal in a medically safe way. Barbiturates: Because of the potential complications from stopping barbiturate use, withdrawal should always take place under medical supervision. You may be given phenobarbital to help make the transition.Stimulants: Treatment for stimulant withdrawal will likely involve psychotherapy but m ay also include antidepressants or other mood-affecting medications.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Spell of Sensibility - 654 Words
The Spell of Sensibility Although the Romantic Eras general perspective regarding a womans sensibility may seem distasteful to most contemporary readers, the viewpoint was commonplace during the period. To be clear, this was mainly the assumption that women were dominated by their ‘specially configured’ and ‘delicate’ senses, rather than reason and intellect. Authors like Edmund Burke passively promoted these fragilities in his verbosely titled piece A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. While this point of view retained popularity, there were thankfully those who sought to tear it to shreds. The author Mary Wollstonecraft, widely lauded as the first Feminist, actively addressed sensibility and more in her political and polemic treatise â€Å"Vindication of the Rights of Woman†. She cites deprivation of quality education for women, as well as their condescending treatment in society as reasons for this sort of behavior. But to bett er understand why women were seen this way in the first place, it will help to briefly to define what Romanticism really is, in a cultural and literary context. And while it is no longer as potent as it once was, the spell which tricks society into believing women are a secondary and frail sex, is one that still has power today, and it is a spell which should be permanently broken. Regarding women and their so-called sensibility, Edmund Burke writes: Among animals, the greyhound [dog] is moreShow MoreRelatedEssay on Jane Austen Novels: Success After Death1679 Words  | 7 PagesSense and Sensibility, and it seemed to not bring in as much success as it would later on in life. But the dry spell would eventually end. Two hundred years after Jane Austens death, her books gained a lot of attention (Leddy). 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Dr. Faustus knows everything about the material world and is dissatisfied with it. So, he becomes infatuated with the spiritual world. This is why he wants to sell his soul. His desire for knowledge overcomes his sensibility. Dorian Gray read many books about fields he was interested in like art. These books did not corrupt him; he was just thirsty for knowledge. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Many other factors lead to the eventual downfall of both characters, butRead MoreDifferent Interpretations Of The Scarlet Letter1609 Words  | 7 Pageslips. A spell was broken. The great scene of grief, in which the wild infant bore a part, had developed all her sympathies; and as her tears fell upon her father s cheek, they were the pledge that she would grow up amid human joy and sorrow, nor for ever do battle with the world, but be a woman in it. Towards her mother, too, Pearl s errand as a messenger of anguish was all fulfilled,†(Hawthorne). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Since Its Publication In 1984, The House On Mango Street
Since its publication in 1984, The House on Mango Street grows in popularity within inner-city grade schools to universities across the country -- it is a coming of age tale for a Mexican-American girl named Esperanza Cordero living in a fictional poor neighborhood in Chicago called Mango Street. Though it is called a novel, Cisneros creates The House on Mango Street with forty-four vignettes that thoughtfully depicts Chicano culture and what are the roles of women in this society; as Esperanza observes different characters in each vignette, she understands that the same force that ensnares Esperanza to Mango Street is the same force that encourages Esperanza’s desire to leave Mango Street. Cisneros uses Esperanza as a vehicle to go†¦show more content†¦(10) Esperanza’s comparison to her great-grandmother illustrates who is she as a woman. She doesn’t fit the norms of Chicano culture because Mexicans â€Å"don’t like their women strong†(10) and she is just that – a strong Mexican woman. Yet, when Esperanza describes her great-grandfather, she doesn’t describe him like how she did with her great-grandmother. She says, â€Å"until my great-grandfather threw a sack over her head and carried her off.†(11) Esperanza introduces her great-grandfather with an action and not a trait; therefore, she doesn’t give the same treatment to her great-grandfather. She does not develop his character and the reader must make assumptions about his character. Also, Esperanza portrays Latino culture as reduced her great-grandmother to mere object because she compares her strong-willed grandmother to a â€Å"fancy chandelier.†(11) She continues to describe her great-grandmother and starts to rel ate with her by wondering â€Å"if she [great-grandmother] made the best with what she got or was she sorry because she couldn’t be all the things she wanted to be.†(11) Again, she adds depth to her great-grandmother’s character by showing her sadness and as a result, Esperanza’s characterization shows which relative she likes or dislikes. It is interesting as a reader because Esperanza isShow MoreRelatedDefining Relationships in Mexican Culture2266 Words  | 10 PagesAmerindian population in the hurting southern states. Elections held in July 2000 marked the first time since the 1910 Mexican Revolution that the opposition defeated the party in government, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). 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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographicsRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words  | 518 Pagescentury ago, and the language has changed. It will need to be reviewed by competent speakers of the current language. Secondly, since the preparation of the ms. there have been two major published dictionaries of Igbo, by Echeruo (1998) and Igwe (1999) as well as innumerable publications marking advances in the understanding of the grammar of Igbo, which any new publication must take into account. In addition, the English itself has an archaic feel to it and I have sometimes updated rather antiquated
Freud and Erikson Free Essays
This first paper is going to be about a case study on a 7 year old kid named Gary. Gary is wheelchair bound and has Muscular Dystrophy and has been home-schooled until now. He seemed to be doing fine in school, but he has been crying after school and not wanting to go monday mornings. We will write a custom essay sample on Freud and Erikson or any similar topic only for you Order Now We have to try and figure out why Gary is feeling this way. I will be using and comparing Erikson’s Psychological Theory and Maslows Hierarchy of Needs to analyze why the case study subject might be acting this way. Erikson’s Psychological Theory is based around Freuds’s Stages of Development, but with further stages and not always based around sex and aggression like Freud uses. Erikson’s Theory contains eight stages: Trust v. mistrust (birth to two years of age), autonomy v. shame/ doubt (two to four years), initiative v. guilt (four to six years), industry v. inferiority/ diffusion (six to twelve years), identity v. identity confusion (adolescence), intimacy v. isolation (young adulthood), generatively v. tagnation (middle adulthood), and ego integrity v. despair (late adulthood to death). The first four stages match up pretty well with Freud’s Theory’s stages, with an additional four stages about adulthood at the end. Two big things about Erikson’s Theory is that success builds on previous stages and that failure is cumulative (Morrison, lecture, 2011). I can apply Erikson’s Theory to the case study with Gary in a couple of ways. The first observation I can make is that Gary is his wetting the bed problem. If he hasn’t done it in years, why is he doing it now? Gary has probably failed to succeed in the autonomy v. shame stage of development. It doesn’t say how long Gary has been in a wheelchair, but my guess is quite awhile. Even if it was after his toilet training years, he had to re-learn how to go by himself when he was given a wheelchair. This might have gone smoothly when he was at home with the help of his loving and supportive parents, but he probably doesn’t trust in teachers or aids to help him if he needs it. He feels ashamed of himself for not being able to go flawlessly like at home, and these feelings of shame are causing other problems in school also. This GREATLY affects his self esteem levels and disturbs the rest of his school life. Another angle of looking at Gary’s problems is he isn’t succeeding in the industry v. inferiority stage. This stage is about learning in school and communicating and is a very social stage (Morrison, lecture, 2011). SInce Gary is in a wheelchair, he can’t participate in regular activities in P. E. classes. He has to have adaptive P. E. based on him not being able to walk. Watching the other kids playing on the basketball courts and playing football and stuff leaves him feeling left out. He isn’t building skills for a teamwork mentality like everybody else. He feels left out of the fun and probably puts himself lower than the rest of his peers. This would greatly hurt his self-esteem and competence. This could be an explanation for him crying after school and just not wanting to go Sunday nights. Although Erikson’s Psychological Theory can explain Gary’s problems in terms of missed of problems in developmental stages, Maslow can explain them more generically with his Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs has five stages, starting with the most primitive working towards more finite: biological and physiological needs (food, water, shelter, warmth), safety needs (protection and security), belonging and love needs (family, affection, relationships), esteem needs (achievement, status, responsibility), and self- actualization (personal growth) (Morrison, lecture, 2011). Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, I can analyze Gary and determine that it seems as if Gary isn’t fulfilling his esteem needs. He seems to have a low self esteem and a low sense of accomplishment. This is probably because he can’t do the same P. E. activities as the rest of the kids. Just being around a lot of kids that can walk and do things he can’t is probably the main reason for his sadness and not wanting to go to school. When he was at home all day, he had his parents to comfort him if he ever had questions about other kids. His parents might have actually over protected him, as in Gary wasn’t prepared to go to public school because his parents sheltered him from the truth of the real world and wasn’t ready for it. Since Gary is having trouble with his esteem needs, he cannot feel accomplished and move on to his self- actualization needs. He can’t grow as a person until the lower level needs are met. There are a lot of theories that people can use when analyzing peoples’ problems. But looking at Gary’s problems, Erikson’s Psychological Theory and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were the ones I felt like could explain why Gary is having problems the best. Not every theory is applicable to every situation. These two theories made sense to me and I believe explained his problems the best out of all of the theories we have looked at in class. Between the two I used, I believe Erikson’s Psychological Theory explains it better than Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, but they both have some good points in this case study. How to cite Freud and Erikson, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Jeffrey Ferrer 4th District Congressman of Negros Occidental Focusing on the Effectiveness of the Project Implementation in La Carlota City Essay Example
Jeffrey Ferrer: 4th District Congressman of Negros Occidental Focusing on the Effectiveness of the Project Implementation in La Carlota City Paper Introduction Jeffrey Ferrer started his political career in the City of La Carlota. He is currently had an immediate concerns for the two cities and four towns that is La Carlota and Bago City, Valladolid, San Enrique, Pulupandan and Pontevedra but I will deal on the first city mentioned mainly because this is his hometown and this is the reason why I managed to focus my study within the city and not on the whole of the 4th District since La Carlota is very important for him, this is where his heart belongs to and where he would always look back. Even at the point of running as a Congressman, majority of his votes came from the City in which it can be inferred that most of the La Carlotenos believed in his capacity to be a public servant. He asked everyone to walk with him in the new path of public service as he will offer a much broader opportunity for everyone. On the other hand, it is expected that I would be focusing on the projects implemented and to be implemented only in La Carlota City however, I will also present some existing relevant data of other cities and municipalities that he and with the help of other governmental offices had conducted a million-worth project that might help me to enlighten my mind whether Jeffrey Ferrer is indeed effective in terms of his project implementation and as a whole being effective as a Congressman. We will write a custom essay sample on Jeffrey Ferrer: 4th District Congressman of Negros Occidental Focusing on the Effectiveness of the Project Implementation in La Carlota City specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Jeffrey Ferrer: 4th District Congressman of Negros Occidental Focusing on the Effectiveness of the Project Implementation in La Carlota City specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Jeffrey Ferrer: 4th District Congressman of Negros Occidental Focusing on the Effectiveness of the Project Implementation in La Carlota City specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer From a poor family who had a dedication towards his work hence giving him this kind of opportunity to become a public servant. How it is to live like Jeffrey Ferrer? He started at the lower position as the Barangay Councilman in his native city, he became Councilor and that position made him to realize that he has the potential to become the mayor of La Carlota City with the help of course of some â€Å"big-shots†persona in the city and the whole Negros Occidental until he successfully became the Congressman of the Fourth District. In his term as the mayor, he gave his all to prove to the people that he got something that people expected him to have that is, sense of dedication being a politician. However, it is inevitable for the politician to be involved in some corrupt practices and the people are not blind not to see the reality of what is happening in the system. In his mayoral term, the construction of the La Carlota City gymnasium has been one of the controversial issues that he faced since the construction did not flourished knowing that it was worth million and yet the funds is not feasible that time and only to realize that e got that big house for her mother in an instant so people’s speculation on certain areas of concern is to be anticipated by many but he must not only to be blamed in here but all those politicians involved in that construction. Going back, those â€Å"big-shots†persona and a political figure as well that I have mentioned that aids him to be where he is now included the former representative of the 4th District, Congressman Charlie Cojuangco who endorsed him to be the successor under the National People’s Coalition-United Negros Alliance, Eduardo Cojuangco, Jr. he NPC-UNA chairman Emeritus who appoint him as their party’s standard bearer in the 4th District, his godfather, Governor Joseph Maranon and the philanthropist Ms. Gretchen Oppen Cojuangco who happened to be planning also to enter in the same position of that of Congressman Ferrer but dropped her earlier plan to run for Congress and eventually she realized that it would be better for herself to be somehow get away from the political perspectives and later decided to just concentrate on her advocacy towards the environment, women, helping the poor and other related stuffs so she openly gave the spot to the present Congressman Jeffrey Ferrer. With all the things that he had already been achieved, life is already a fulfillment that he thought must be gladly shared with other people especially to the La Carlotenos as well as to the whole 4th District here in Negros Occidental. The commitment to work led him to run as a Congressman with the hope that he could give a better life for those people who give him the chance to freely perform his duties well and he hopes that in return, being in the current position could give him the opportunity to thank all the people in Negros Occidental particularly in La Carlota. Being a Congressman is a hard task so it is up for Jeffrey Ferrer to manage to get into top and have a good perception to the people. Running for Congress as he said opened him a new dawn of responsibilities and that he must took seriously. It is now time to assess all those projects he plans to implement and delve with other projects he had already implemented and completed. Four-Point Agenda as Congressman and Projects Implemented and to be Implemented with the Help of Governmental Offices In order for me to conclude if Congressman Jeffrey Ferrer has been an effective catalyst for the change and a linkage function for the development of the 4th District specifically in La Carlota City, I have to go deeper and review the set-up of his Four-Point Agenda in the said city whether he accomplished this all then if I have found out that he had able to work out on this things, I would have my own opinion to foretell whether he is an effective Congressman. Compare it to other cities where there are infrastructures, malls, lots of establishments from fast-food chains to popular restaurants and night-out places, La Carlota did not have these all. What makes La Carlota a city was mainly because of its land area, sugarcane industry and many haciendas. When Jeffrey Ferrer entered the politics into a much higher position, La Carlota transformed in terms of its economic opportunities not only to the city but to the lives of the people. The construction of the Lopue’s, a mini-mall became the stepping stone for the people to acquire jobs and the present status of that mall is booming since it is the only mall in the city and it allows those unemployed to be employed and it aids also those working students having it as their part-time job. There are new businesses that are currently running in the city like the Jollibee fast food chain it was the first fast food chain in the city and there are developments to some areas for tourist attraction. The festival in La Carlota known as the Pasalamat Festival, is one of the highlights of the city to attract tourists to come over at the city to experience the drumbeating, beauty and dances and the culture itself as it is reflected in the name, thanksgiving for the bountiful harvest of sugarcane and everytime this time comes, Congressman took part on the festival, inviting guests from Manila and foreigners and even by the mere song of â€Å"Let’s Go La Carlota†in which it became popular all throughout Negros even in Bacolod City during his term depicts how he value and being proud to La Carlota City. He dedicate his time and experience to serve his constituents with all these agendas. The city is far from before it is more commercialized now and that proves that in terms of economic development Congressman never failed to uphold this agenda. Resolution No. 58 series of 2008 entitled Resolution Authorizing the La Carlota City Water District (LCCWD) to Conduct Water Services Operations in Barangays Baliwagan and Sibucao, Municipality of San Enrique Negros Occidental has its approval to implement the said project. Working hand in hand together with the Congressman, the La Carlota City Water District became the instrument for the implementation of his project with a total project cost of 7 million pesos, the copy of this resolution including the costs of the project is attached at the end of this paper. According to the data of the Water District, the municipality of San Enrique has no communal piped water system for the general population. However, the three barangays of Tibsoc, Baliwagan and Nayon used to have level III water supply system which has then managed by the barangay officials. The system used small dugwells as sources but due to lack of technical expertise of the management, the system bogged down and was totally abandoned. The residents generally use dugwells to meet their water requirements. The common use of dugwells is attributed to the poor groundwater potential in the Poblacion owing to its topography which is almost surrounded with saltwater bodies. Basically this project aims to implement the water supply of San Enrique, Negros Occidental to further enhance the current situations of every household. The system adopts the required design criteria and standards to come up with an economically viable program with immediate-impact benefits consistent with the goals and objectives of the municipality and Local Water Utilities Administration. This is the current major project done by the LCCWD together with Congressman Jeffrey Ferrer and the collaboration of the two makes it possible for the people to have safe and manageable drinking facilities. I have interviewed some of the beneficiaries of this program and they appreciate the project since it is the first that they will have a supply of water in the areas concerned. This has been a proposed project way back in 2001 and now it has finally implemented with the help of course of the Congressman of the 4th District giving an additional fund of 2 million pesos for the implementation of the project. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) releases its infrastructure projects last year with all the various infrastructure including local projects-nationwide with its specific amount for the corresponding projects. Without any biased, it seems that Congressman Ferrer do his job as possible to give the constituents in La Carlota and other neighboring municipalities making up the 4th District the kind of good impression towards him. He has done different projects all throughout his term. The Construction of Yubo Farm-to-Market Road costs 1. 5 million pesos as can be seen in the official copy of the infrastructure project. The 2 million construction of Balabag-Cainaman Road in Barangay Balabag has been a helpful way in accessing the roads for convenience sake. For almost a year, the roads in La Carlota City are poor that is bulky and lots of bumpy roads all over and it was blamed to the Congressman who is in position. I could compare it to the roads of Negros Oriental it is far better off than in the Negros Occidental but Representative of the 4th District finally made some changes on how to deal with this. He was influenced by Governor Joseph Maranon in every action that he does. There is also the Proposed development of Farm to Market Road JCT. National Road-Old FACOMA-Tabao baybay Road worth 5 million that will require the construction of road, widening, backfilling, rip rap and grouting of riprap and establishments of r. c. pipes and other more. This projects aims to provide permanent access to the market by construction of a 1200 kilometers Farm to Market Road to the more than 2800 farming families and their dependents who will use it in their daily development activity he added that this will improve the living conditions of the farmers and their dependents through cost savings in the transport of goods and services translating to additional income and finally it lowers the cost of production per hectare of rice and sugarcane due to easier transport of farm inputs and farm products. The office of the Congressman Jeffrey P. Ferrer with the office of the Municipal Engineer of the 4th Congressional District of Department of Public Works and Highways will undertake the implementation of this project. In this project, he is knowledgeable on the current situation of the farmers in the city. According to him, to finance the farmer’s production cost, they usually borrow loans from informal sources such as agents or traders. The harvested palay is often sold to the trader/financier who deducts the total loan from the proceeds of the harvest because of the difficulty of road access they tend to borrow more funds to compensate for the higher cost thereby increasing the cost of money. The greatest difficulty of the farmers is the availability of a permanent access to the Market because of the lack of a developed farm to market road. An important infrastructure support that will lessen the burden of transporting farm product cost to the market but also will improve the access of their dependents to vital social development centers such as education and health by shortening the time and cost of travel giving the farmers cost savings translating to additional income. In addition, there is also a Rehabilitation of Farm to Market Road in the JCT. National Road-Purok Himaya-Alijis provincial Road, Barangay Tabao Proper, Valladolid with a funding requirement of P1 million that will require the backfilling, paving, regravelling of aggregate base course. In his Four-point Agenda, he mentioned the irrigation system but he did most of the programs in terms of irrigation in Bago City Negros Occidental particularly the Bago River Irrigation System Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (BRISRIP). The Congressman as expected is on the Batasan Complex in Quezon City that is why they (National Irrigation Administration) sent a monthly brief progress report that will suffice the information needed by the office of the Congressman to actually monitor what is going on with the project that he is undertaking. The letter signed by the project manager contained all the data; activities, the status and pictorials in the locale. City Health Office works hand in hand with Congressman to provide quality in terms of its service to the people. According to the nurses and midwives in City Health, there is a provision of the New City Health Office Building to foster the needs of the people and due to the fact that the Office is old enough to accomodate more patients that is why the need to provide a new office is likely to happen and is highly awaited by the doctors and nurses in the City Health Office. There is also the provision of Medical Supplies to Indigents where he indicated the need for those people to acquire a free medicine to the poor. PHILHEALTH sa MASA, in order for the people to ensure their health in the future. One development in La Carlota City that I have seen is the Agora Public Market, it was repainted and Congressman added buildings beside the Public Market built a sculpture inside and they do landscaping to beautify the market. When I went home I simply stared at the recent development of the city and just began thinking if what he did is right. Many controversies existed again when he did the reconstruction and repainting of the public market. Many problematized the effect of the new building mainly because of the added tax that they require for the sellers to pay if they use the new building it should be free since it is a public market. In effect, low class sellers settled instead on their previous stall and those who had a capacity to pay go for that new building but for me it is somewhat useless since it has been fully used by the people. However, it is good in the eye to see the development rather than sticking with the previous physical beauty of the market wherein I cannot even think that the city is a city itself but today with the help of Congressman Ferrer and a ormer mayor of La Carlota there is a rapid progress in the city. The roofing of La Carlota City Gymnasium is a project also done by Jeffrey Ferrer, the gymnasium is not a typical gymnasium merely because of the broken wood chairs, malfunctioned lightings and other more but when I have the chance to go home, I saw the big change, it was now completed and f ully utilized not only by the students but during the special occasions that happened here in La Carlota City. Former Mayor Jeffrey Ferrer put importance towards education that is why he made projects like Rehabilitation of School Building in La Granja and San Miguel and other schools within the city with the help of the Department of Education. In the 4th District as a whole, he gives a scholarship grant for those individuals who are financially incapable but deserve to achieve quality education to help them get a good education. Analysis and Conclusion I find a hard time interviewing Congressman Jeffrey Ferrer since he was away in Manila so I have decided to use some connections to get relevant information of his projects implementation and went directly to the Headquarters or his office here in La Carlota City and I just asked permission to Congressman so I could freely bring with me all the documents that I need for this analysis and fortunately enough, he openly gave permission to access the public documents situated at the headquarters. I could infer that there is transparency towards his public documents because he trusted me to access everything that would be valuable for this paper including all the amount, letters and everything that had been compiled. Going through the papers that had been given to me, I made an assessment that all the projects in the City is effective although there are delayed projects but they still managed to finished it. Some are subjects for approval of Congressman to start the project. All in all his projects took into effect and the people benefitted from that. I have mentioned before that most of the La Carlotenos now had a job and he is still planning to do more on that so he could help the people to find jobs. He is more inclined to help the poor including the farmers and he makes it the point of going through a certain projects that would eventually enhance the lives of the people. The current mayor of the La Carlota City, Demie John Honrado and Congressman had a connection with each other since before when Congressman was still the mayor and Demie Honrado was his Vice-mayor. He helps Honrado to be his successor as a mayor so he supported him all throughout his campaign in the city and no choice the power of Ferrer simply was unstoppable. All the projects in La Carlota City were being supported by the Congressman because he is considered to be a friend of the current mayor. There is a political friendship that exists between them so the interaction of the two went smoothly thus there is flexibility towards the public decisions and project being employed in the city. However, I am not really familiar with some issues that the city is currently facing just right after Jeffrey Ferrer leaves the position of being the mayor. I may be inconsistent with my previous arguments but it seems that after the mayoral position of Ferrer, Demie Honrado was stucked will all the debts of La Carlota City and it was found out that there was a lack of funds anymore and where did it go? The fact was that, during Pasalamat Festival it is a â€Å"celebracion en grande†for the whole people but it resulted to the funds deficiency for the present status of the city because there are debts that are still clinging to city’s heart due to the payment of the actors and actresses who went here and it was not yet resolved but towards the project implementation done by Congressman Ferrer well everyone benefits from that so I made my say on that already that he was an effective public servant. Implementing projects in La Carlota City has been successful. With the collaboration of those governmental offices in the city, I could say that projects were all benefitted by the constituents in the city and from the time that he was the mayor until he became the Congressman at the present, what he did and needs to be done will always serve as a legacy to the next leader as well as to the essential part of the city, the people. When one asked who is Jeffrey Ferrer, then everybody could answer it since he was the instrument to foster visible changes in the city, everything started from him from beautification to economic growth. During festivals everyone simply enjoys to the activities. He knows how to catch the people’s attention that was when he was still a mayor but maybe I can also see it as a style that he made when he was planning then to enter into a higher office, to be the Congressman. Based on the responses given by the people of La Carlota, the feedbacks that I have commonly heard are all positive but there are instances that they are not satisfied with Ferrer but the development itself that Congressman brought to the city is fairly enough on my part to say that he had established a substantial position on his part to bring his projects into effect and he take the lead of being the leader. He gets into the higher office mainly because of the support that he got from his constituents who are satisfied with his performance while he was still a mayor. His relationship with an elite and prominent family in La Carlota City known as Kitchie Benedicto, a producer-director in television who is rich enough to give wholeheartedly support whatever endeavors Congressman Jeffrey Ferrer takes served as his shield while taking the hard roads of politics. He said that he will not be this strong enough without the help of his Mommy Kitchie who contribute much in his personality as a politician. Surprisingly enough, the daughter of Kitchie Benedicto happened to be the wife of Jeffrey Ferrer who is a lawyer by profession thus it can be infer that Kitchie and the rest of the Benedicto would likely to support the projects and undertaking of Congressman now that he is currently in a higher position. Many knew that he was loved by the Benedicto and got a big support in terms of his political career. They said that there is a charisma on the part of Ferrer on why he get the support of the Benedicto especially Ms. Kitchie. He has all the support by all the elites in Negros Occidental particularly the Benedicto family who took a great impact on where he is now. According to the Benedicto family, the support that they gave to Jeffrey Ferrer is an extension of helping the La Carlotenos in moving forward. Projects that are worth a million are considered to be just if the people see the developments going on in the city as well as on the whole 4th District. I have no questions regarding the accountability because it was specifically written as to where the funds go and I highly appreciate the accessibility on the funds and that they are open to public whatever archival that they have in terms of the projects information and data. In my overall assessment on his project implementation, I have seen all the data of his project that he had accomplished, everything in his agenda was carry out and he will have much time on his term to do another project that would cater the needs of all the constituents in the 4th District especially in La Carlota City as he would always carry with him the phrase, â€Å"Let’s go, La Carlota! †and now â€Å"Let’s go, 4th District! â€
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